Gearing Up When Selling Your House

Selling your house is not an easy decision, but once its made you will be gearing up when selling your house. It may be for monetary reason, a new job or simply the need to move into a different neighborhood. Either way letting go of a house that was a great home is not easy. But since you have to, better find you’re a house a new owner that would have their own memories in it.

Common 3 bedroom 2 bath house in Houston

Preparing your house prior to its sale is a lot of work. Some people hire professionals do it but it is costly. Here is a checklist you could use so you could do it yourself and not forget a single thing.

House Preparation

  • Clean up the house. Make sure you clean EVERYTHING and that rodents or pests inside the house are taken care of.
  • Decorate. You can buy some ornaments but don’t over spend. You can also use your own decorations but remove your photos and personal collections.
  • Cabinets and drawers should be organized. You can keep a few things on the cabinets and drawers to show how spacious it is. Just make sure that you arrange it neatly because potential buyers would definitely check them out. Replace knobs or handles if the ones you have are old and rusty.
  • Re-paint if necessary. You can repaint some rooms to freshen up the wall. You don’t have to repaint the whole house. Repaint your fence. Since it is outside it could look worn out easily.
  • Check all bulbs. From your dining area to each room and your basement (if you have one). Make sure all of them are working. You may need to change a few if you remember that it hasn’t been replaced for a long time. You wouldn’t want to step in on a room with your potential
  • Decorate your porch with something interesting. This would give a good impression to the potential buyers that something great is inside the house.
  • Don’t forget your outdoors. Have some green, mowed lawn. Have some few flower plants to accentuate. Clean and brush your path walk and driveways. Also clean the side walk and curbs.
  • Have a good looking mailbox. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but a simple and decent one would do.

After you stage your house make sure you know what to do next. You can get an agent to help you when selling your house, or you can go the FSBO way, where you would do agent’s work. Either way make sure you have your house assessed for its current market value so you can decide on how much exactly you would sell the house for. Make sure that your price is reasonable enough that you don’t scare potential buyers away and at the same time, you don’t lose the worth of the house.

Deciding on selling your house is not easy. It involves a lot of thinking and hard work. But in the end, if you do it right and sell your house for a great value, then it’s all worth it.


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